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Navigating Motherhood While Starting a New Career

Writer: Writerverse JourneyWriterverse Journey

Updated: Apr 21, 2023

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When the world doubts you can do it, you prove them wrong: be an inspiring mom to your little ones and shine away. You can do anything, you can be anything! Mother's Day didn't arrive yet but celebrate moms with me. All moms are amazing.

Being a mother is already a full-time job, and balancing a career along with this journey is even more challenging. However, moms are tough. Yet, they can do the impossible and drink a cup of coffee while at it.

I'm not here to say that it's easy for a mom to start a career while managing motherhood; believe me: it isn't. But I'm here to tell you that it is possible. Motherhood should in no way stop you from doing something you want, quite the opposite: it should push you to be the incredible person you were born to be (that being a staying-at-home mom or a working one!) If you genuinely want this, I KNOW you can do it.

And let me also tell you that it doesn't matter if you have or haven't worked before, it doesn't matter if you are pregnant with your first child, or if your kids are already in college...

You. Can. Do. It.

I know moms who had just started getting a degree and others who built an empire while trying to navigate everything motherhood brings with it. I already had a master's in my pocket and over a decade in the game development industry when I became a mom - and BOOM! The pandemic hit, and I was part of a company cut.

My world crumbled: my baby girl was growing up, and I was missing it. I WANTED to be at home with her, but that wasn't what my job required. So I started creating content for toddler development (printables), which sparked a passion I had since I was a child: telling stories. I researched and spent more nights than I can count watching tutorials, reaching people out, getting into critique groups, and growing. I've published a book, I made my dream come true. Then another one, and yet another. Today I have over 15 books published, and my toddler is the sassiest, most intelligent, kindest, and cutest little human.

I am not saying it is easy. Some days are harder than others. Sometimes, I feel I didn't work enough, or my family needs more attention. Doubting myself is a constant battle - but each day, my daughter tells me she loves me, my husband says he will watch her so I can work an extra hour here and there, or a customer says my book changed their child's life somehow. That's when all the good things hit the spot; that's when I know I'm much more than I thought I could ever become. That's when I'm confident I'm on the right path, it truly makes me happy to do what I'm doing for a living.

Well, if you are a mom - or you are becoming a mother soon - but you also want to have a career and get paid for your job... You can do this! If you don't know how here are some things that may help you get there:

1) Identify and embrace your parenting style (some moms embrace working outside the house, while others prefer being near their kids. Some mothers may be ok with screen time so they can work, while others prefer working after putting their kids to sleep. What are you comfortable with? How will that dictate your working hours and job?)

2) Integrate time management into your routine ASAP! Practicing and not procrastinating will help you thrive.

3) Identify how many hours you can realistically work per week (and stick to the schedule!) - don't overdo it - or you may burn out, get sick, and become unproductive. On the other hand, don't underwork: you may not reach your goals. Achieving success without effort probably won't work.

4) Have a realistic one-month plan, a one-year plan, and a five-year plan. MAINLY if you are considering getting a degree or starting a new business! And do your research to make each step and goal as realistic as possible.

5) Make sure you can cover the bills (if someone else is caring for your child, that would be an expense to consider). So try to save upfront for those extra expenses. Also - if starting a business - ensure you have the bare minimum to invest in your business. I started at zero, but my life would have been SO MUCH EASIER if I had money to invest in my business smartly.

6) Be realistic - and PLEASE don't fall for scams! Double - no, TRIPLE, check any information before spending your hard-earned money.

7) Make sure you know your priorities and honor them (for example, if you plan to buy a new computer, work toward that goal and don't end up sidetracking when you see a sale for a vacation, etc. Or if you work from home while kids are at school, take it seriously and don't fall for distractions - treat your work as if it was an in-person job. If you don't show up, you won't get paid.)

8) Try to build a support system for when you get working (mom, husband, friend, sisters, etc.) Single moms are super-women! Every mom needs help (you know what they say: it takes a village): be open about it and ask for help.

9) Practice self-care! You have to eat well, exercise, etc. To both care for your child and be able to work.

10) I recommend managing your schedule around your needs and combining things. For example, I'm a stay-at-home mom who cares for my child during the day and works after bedtime. Throughout the day, I try to make my kid an active part of my to-dos (when it's time to do laundry, we "play basketball" by throwing the clothes in the machine, or when its cooking time, I do a sensory activity with the peels of the vegetables to keep my toddler busy, or I make sure I remind her each and every day she has to clean up after playing, etc.).

In summary, find your work-life balance, and know that the struggle with "mom guilt" is real, but so is your own spark! Inspire your children, and keep showing them they can do anything, just like you!

Although this post celebrates all mamas out there (from stay-at-home to working ones), I want to give a very special shoutout to my fellow author moms who rock the world with incredible children's books:

Thank you for letting me be a part of your journey! If you would like to receive free learning resources, deals, and offers, subscribe to my newsletter at:

And feel free to connect with me on Instagram/TikTok/Facebook: @writerversejourney



Apr 12, 2023

Amazing advice!

Sometimes, it's just so hard. As a first time mum, I really struggled to find a good and healthy work-life balance. I was much better after I had my second child 9 years later, and I even ended up quitting my teaching career to make sure things worked better for us and so that I had better quality of life and was less likely to burn out. Even now, another 10 years later, I often find myself back in old habits. So hard!

I 100% still need to get better at practicing self-care. It's probably the most important tip you give, yet it's always last on my list of priorities.

Some amazing books in this list!

Kelle Lima
Kelle Lima
Apr 13, 2023
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Wow! That's an incredible journey, thanks for sharing! And yes, finding that sweet spot is SO HARD! Mainly when we are starting (for me mom guilt and fear of my business failing were the biggest issues). I'm so happy you found a better way to manage things after your second child! I hope this article helps you push that self-care up in your list from now on <3


Very helpful advice. Sometimes the guilt takes over but we just have to remind ourselves we are human. Thank you for sharing.

Kelle Lima
Kelle Lima
Apr 13, 2023
Replying to

I'm glad someone else out there feels the guilt like I do! I'm super glad to share (:

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